by andrew | Mar 27, 2015 | Built Heritage, River Lore, Waterford History
Last summer whilst out kayaking on the river I chanced a trip up the Ballycanvan stream, which leads up to the ever-popular Jack Meades at Halfway House. I made the trip in an effort to track the route of the Lighters that would have supplied the Kilns at Jack Meades...
by andrew | Mar 20, 2015 | Built Heritage
In years gone by, rural communities depended much more on local resources to sustain themselves and in agricultural terms mills highlight how important grain was as a crop. At home my grandmother told me they had a hand turned mill, the base of which is still in...
by andrew | Mar 13, 2015 | Uncategorised
With St Patricks weekend coming up, my thoughts turned to that “wearing of the Green” day of my childhood, and particularly the 9am mass at Faithlegg Church. On reflection I guess the mass stands out, as in those days before it became a “festival” it...
by andrew | Mar 6, 2015 | Uncategorised
In last weeks blog we met the Bolton family of Cornelius Bolton the elder, through the visits and writings of Arthur Young. At this time the families activities were generally of a pastoral nature. In a few short years however they would...
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