Cheekpoints Industrial Era

Today’s blog is a summary of the recent walk conducted to celebrate Heritage Week 2015 and is a narrative of the afternoon and what we encountered.   Welcome to Cheekpoint and to this years heritage week event, which is hosted by the Cheekpoint Fishing...

Cheekpoints Textile industry of the late 18th C

One of the industries that grew up in Cheekpoint in conjunction with the Mail Packet station was textiles.  Nothing now remains, except some brief mentions of the trade and local lore.  It appears that the Cheekpoint venture was part of an initiative in the...

August 15th, last day of the salmon season

The salmon driftnet season traditionally closed on August 15th, and it was always brought mixed feelings.  Grateful to have a break after the rigor of 24hr a day fishing, but conscious that within a week you’d be longing to be back into the familiar rhythm...