How far the Tide drifted

Welcome to my online gall

ery.  It arose from a post by Maria Doyle, originally from Ballyhack. She suggested a photo library taken of my book cover from wherever people read it.  And the title of this online gallery is suggested by Maria too. Please feel free to participate by sending a photo via email or post to my facebook page or twitter page, details below. I will try to include everyone’s submission along with any description you see fit to share. I will update the content as often as time and submissions allow 🙂

October 30th 2017 Maria Doyle

From a winter break in Abu Dhabi. Via Maria Doyle

November 1st 2017 David Carroll

November 1st 2017 c 4.30pm Sandymount Strand Dublin, the tide definitely out!

My second contributor is David Carroll a regular on the page.  David added the following:

“Sandymount Strand made famous by another writer, James Joyce as it was the starting point for Ulysses June 16th 1904! Howth head in background and the two Poolbeg Towers behind. Sandymount is also the location of Mulligans Pub, a very welcoming stop-off for many Deise folk up in Dublin for soccer and hurling matches”

4th November 2017 Ryan Doherty

Ashling Doherty at Tappan Zee Bridge, Hudson River New York
This from my cousin Ryan who was reared in New York but features in the book as he was on holiday in Cheekpoint in 1989 and was a regular on the river with Michael “Spud” Murphy and I. He even shot some wonderful video back then, that is still looked on fondly to this day.

Ryan says “This is the Tappan Zee Bridge 30 miles north of New York City. The original iron bridge in the background built in the 1950’s now closed with the new Tappan Zee opened in 2017. I thought that appropriate and very fitting. Change everywhere”

6th November 2017 Anne Keough Keehn

Anne Keough Keehn and Liz Hutchinson, my two super models who dared the winter rains in
Washington DC 
Liz and her husband Michael very kindly came to the launch in Jack Meades and got some signed copies to take to America for their visit to a relation Anne Keough Keehn. Annes relatives came from Waterford including Cheekpoint and we have an ancestor in common, my great grandmother on my dads side, Ellen Doherty nee Walsh of the Russianside!

6th November 2017 Avril Bowe

A Prague Reading!
Dean Gunnip (Coolbunnia) and his dad Pat were in Prague over the weekend and they had the book along for?…  Well I’m not sure what they had the book along for, but I’m delighted to get this photo from them. Thanks lads

6th November 2017 Maria McMullen

Jerry & Maria enjoying some wintry sun

Maria’s dad hailed from the Cross Roads Cheekpoint originally and we meat during the year on one of our local places and people tours.  Her husband Jerry originally hailed from the ‘real’ capital, and he’s a genuine rebel/  Maria says “Enjoying Andrew Doherty’s book Before the tide went out takes me back to lovely times spent in Cheekpoint Waterford.Saved my book for my trip to Ramsgate Kent and the weather is lovely.”

9th November 2017  Brendan Doherty & Family.  

Musician Brendan Doherty showing off his copy on Atlantic Beach Florida.  Brendan grew up in Faithlegg only a mile away from here, but he has sure seen a lot of the world.  Weather looks beautiful…tough life man!

10th November 2017.  Carmel Jacob

Special delivery today to Carmel and her Brother Clem, at his business premises of Clem Hire.  We grew up together in Cheekpoint.  Apparently the book was supposed to be a surprise for Clem for Christmas!  He was reading it as I left…

10th November 2017  Julie Ward

Its nice to see the staff at Ardkeen Quality Foodstores getting a break from all their hard work especially at 6pm on a busy Friday afternoon.  Their star barista Joe Foley seems to be taking it all in his stride.

12th November 2017 Anne Keough Keehn 

Anne seems to be bringing her copy on holidays with her too…this from the Iguazú Falls, Argentina

19th November 2017 Eamonn Doolan

Eamonn sent on this interesting image from Lowestoft in England. Its the most easterly point in the UK but I think Eamonn was possibly drawing a paralle between it and the theme of my own book. Like Waterford harbour Lowestoft has evidence of one of the earliest settlements in the UK and also like the harbour it was famed for its rich fishery. Sadly now much diminished, but at least they have an oil industry…for now.

Eamonn also posted a review of my book on Facebook recently.  I will leave the last words with him:

Well I have read the book and re read some of the chapters in this book, what a fantastic insight into the thoughts of a young lad growing up in a small fishing village in Cheekpoint Co Waterford, and I loved his tales of the stories that were told by the older members of the community, and although I have never set foot in a fishing boat I felt in reading his words I was with him on some of his outings! although I would have been hanging over the side of the boat!! no sea legs!! well done Andrew for reminding us all that life on the river or sea can be a wonderful thing but can also be a life changer! chapter sixteen. RIP Joseph.

8th December 2017. Edmund Hanlon.
A distant relation Ed Hanlon, connected with the Hanlon family of Coolbunnia photographed outside the
Whitehouse at Christmas time.  

Ed quipped, in a swipe at the present President “Here’s a photo for your global readership gallery. My guess is that the guy living in the house behind me will prefer to wait for the film adaptation”  

7th January 2018. Joan Cosgrove

Joan and her husband Bob, from Longview, Washington on the Columbia River were one of the first to buy an e book, and quickly followed it up with a physical copy. They came to Ireland in 2014 (photo above of them in Kilarney), and met with Maria Doyle in Ballyhack as Bob was tracing his Irish routes in the village. Seasoned travelers in their 80’s, hopefully they make it back again soon.

8th January 2018. Ronan Allen

Ronan kindly sent on the photo above, and chose a very fitting spot in Australia as a backdrop: “Attached is a photo of the book being read at the Fishermans Memorial in Freemantle Western Australia. There is a commemoration here on Wednesday to honour the Fenians that arrived on the last convict ship 150 years ago”

January 15th 2018. Jacinta Doherty Lorimer

What Jacinta said from Stanley Park in Vancourver: “So here is your book overlooking “ Lionsgate Bridge “ in Vancouver , it connects downtown Vancouver to “ The North Shore” the mountain behind is Grouse Mountain- as you can see there is a few mountains – collectively the are called the lions – hence lions gate bridge. The Bridge was built by the GUINNESS family ( yes them Guinness The land I’m standing on was native land many moons ago , they were pushed off and were giving land across the bridge. There is still a reservation settlement there to this day, it’s bitter sweet , the land they vacated is now a national park worth millions ( if not billions ) in property value, but the land they were given is also worth millions now, you could never afford to buy it … Although I wish they would change the name back to the band of natives that once lived there.”  
It’s an interesting link to the theme of the book, a culture and way of life being removed!

How Far the Tide Drifted has certainly taken me to some far off places and this week its Yamhill, Oregon.  Thanks to Joan and Janet (photographed) Cosgrove for going to the bother of posting this photo.  Yamhill is apparently noted for its cherry’s and sheep, here’s some extra info too,_Oregon

May 16th 2018 Frank and Ann Murphy

Frank and his wife Ann, who took the photo, travelled by train to Limerick and while there beside the banks of the Shannon and overlooking John’s Castle he paused for a photo.  Of the trip, Frank had this to say; “In my youth Co. Limerick & City were probably more familiar to me than Waterford. A different social story but like your own consigned to history.  I know my Mum would have enjoyed a good read of the book. Hence my trip there. (A home away from home in my youth.)”  Frank has been a long term supporter of my work, including the book and I very much appreciated the photo. 

August 9th 2018 Yvette Davis

An appropriate sculpture as a background I must say. Eoghan Hegarty and his children Donnacha and Alice pose with my book at Memensha, Martha’s Vineyard while on a family holiday to relatives.  Who got a copy of the book for Christmas I’m told.  Many thanks guys, and many thanks to Yvette for taking the photo and passing it along.  I think Donnacha is checking if I have it uploaded yet 🙂

26th July 2018 Anne Keough Keehn

Anne presenting the book to Deputy of Mission, Michael Lonergan, for the Irish Ambassador, Dan Mulhall, in Washington DC.  Was hoping for an invite given that Dan is a fellow Waterford man, who knows maybe in the future!

Tomás Sullivan. 25th September 2018

Tomás Sullivan sent this along whilst working as a safety boatman on the new Barrow bridge which is crossing the river below New Ross.  It was early morning, and a very calm river 

Mark Baldwin 1st November 2018

Mark sent on this image of the book from Cape Town, South Africa via his brother in law Andrew Lloyd aka Bob the Scientist, a fellow blogger and home educator.  I had the pleasure of Marks company previously when Deena and I did a family reunion walk for the Baldwins, organised by Andrews wife Leonie. The Baldwins had earlier lived close to Jack Meades and Knockroe and are related to the Baldwins of Passage East. No strangers to fish then!

I publish a blog each Friday.  If you like this piece or have an interest in the local history or maritime heritage of Waterford harbour and environs you can email me at to receive the blog every week.
My Facebook and Twitter pages are more contemporary and reflect not just heritage 
and history but the daily happenings in our beautiful harbour:  
F  T

Saratoga Bar, Woodstown

My first time in the Saratoga Bar in Woodstown was about this time of the year many years back when playing rubbers.  Whats a rubber you may well ask.  A rubber is a card game where two teams of three played thirties against each other. The winners progressed to another round, the ultimate aim to win a turkey or ham for Christmas.  
The pub at the time was run by Mrs Coughlan, but eventually it would be sold and eventually my cousin Bill Doherty ran it with great success until he returned Stateside to be close to his grandchildren. The name however was always a conundrum, and not just to me.  So as part of my guest blog series, this being the last Friday of the month, I asked Joe Falvey for his thoughts, and he kindly included extra information from Hilary Coughlan.
The Saratoga Bar and Post Office 1905.  National Library of Ireland

According to Joe “it’s named after Saratoga Springs in NY.  The building was in the ownership of the Coghlan family from 1825 or 1835 as part of Dromina House estate and was leased to two sisters who ran it as a hotel around 1900. Their brother a priest,( Father Fleming), returned home from Saratoga Springs around that time -hence the name”. 

Now Joe had this account from Hillary Coghlan and it coincides with what Addie Coghlan told him for an article he wrote in 1999 following the death of young John Kennedy in a tragic aircrash. “Strangely ironic that the plane he was flying was a Piper Saratoga II…given the local memories of that Summer 1967, fifty years ago”  Joe here is of course referring to the holiday of Jackie Kennedy with her young family at Woodstown following the tragic assassination of her husband President John F Kennedy four years previously in Dallas Texas (and a story he will share with us in the future). Joe goes on “My understanding is that the priest had leased it to provide a retirement income for himself and his two sisters who ran the business. So the name as opposed to the building itself dates from this time.”
Hillary Coghlan added the following “The Saratoga was owned by my Dads family since 1825 – at one stage it was a hotel until early 1900 when the licence lapsed. My aunt ran a post-office and shop until around 1951 when my parents took over. To make ends meet they grew and sold vegetables, had a shop & petrol pump and post office. They opened the Saratoga as a bar on 4th July 1962. At that time two bar licenses were needed (government policy to reduce the amount of pubs in Ireland) and one was bought from Powers in Dunhill and the other from Dunphys in Carrick. My Mam, Addie Coghlan ran the bar and loved every day until she retired & sold it to Andy & Margaret Torrie in Sept 1996.”

My first book on growing up in a fishing village is now published.  Its called Before the Tide Went Out            

Buy the book online if you live outside of Ireland.

Irish orders or clarifications via

The Book is now available to buy off the shelf in the following shops

Ardkeen Quality Food Store Waterford

Book Centre – Waterford

Book Centre – Wexford

Irish National Heritage Park, Ferrycarraig, Co Wexford

Nolans Bookshop, New Ross, Co Wexford

Powers shop Cheekpoint

Readers Choice, Dungarvan

                                              More outlets coming soon

Michael O’Sullivan from the Waterford History Group had the following to add: “In the 19th century the Saratoga was occupied by the Hurley family (John, Mary, Statia,and William).who also ran a farm”.(1) He also raised the point which I had heard before, that it may have been named after an American sailing ship wrecked in Waterford harbour in the early 19th century.  Hilary had also heard a ship wreck origin, that the timbers were used in the roof of the building and speculated that it may have been one of the ships carrying limestone for the lime kilns.

The foundered ship certainly has appeal, both in terms of my normal blog stories and the fact that the reusing of salvaged timbers occurs in stories around the harbour, indeed in harbours and coastlines across the world.  But evidence of such a ship is scarce.  For example the Irish wrecks data base give no mention of a ship called Saratoga.  Yet there are obvious gaps, for example my recent story story of the schooner Cintra is not listed.  As regards timber to be salvaged from ships, there is any number of likely candidates from the list.  The name Saratoga has featured on several ships.

Again from Joe: “There was a critical Battle of Saratoga in 1777 in the War of Independence. Hence there were several US Naval Ships of that name, including the best known of them, no. 5, an aircraft carrier which was heavily involved in Pearl Harbour and the war in the Pacific during WWII”. 

The Schooner Saratoga via

There was also an American privateer of her name, a schooner that was involved in the 1812 war with the British and an American fishing vessel. How many others must have carried the name. I favour Joe’s theory the most.  And I imagine a shipwreck provided timber for construction, which led to this creating an extra frisson to the account. But even if we never know for certain, there is considerable enjoyment from discussing and sharing these theories and I sincerely thank Joe for arranging this for us, and to Michael and Hillary for their input.

The last Friday of each month is offered as a space for a guest blog. If you would be interested in submitting a piece I’d be delighted to hear from you at The only criteria is that the piece needs to be about our maritime heritage, about 1200 words and I can help in editing if required, source photos and add in links etc. I’d also welcome any contributions from younger readers including students. 

 (1) Information from “Waterford’s yesterdays and tomorrows 1967 by JJ Walsh page 29

I publish a blog each Friday.  If you like this piece or have an interest in the local history or maritime heritage of Waterford harbour and environs you can email me at to receive the blog every week.
My Facebook and Twitter pages are more contemporary and reflect not just heritage 
and history but the daily happenings in our beautiful harbour:  
F  T

Overcoming Ophelia and Brian

As my regulars now know, I launched my first book last Friday 20th October.  Called Before the Tide Went Out it tells my own story from my earliest memories into my childhood recollections of the village of Cheekpoint and the fisherfolk that made up my world.  I bring you fishing in my teens and early adult years and share the magic and misery as I went from salmon driftnetting to eel fishing and herring driftnetting. As tough as I thought the life was, it was nothing compared to writing it all down, and that in turn was painless compared to getting it ready for publication.  But of course in the run up to actually launching it, we had the most powerful storm to ever hit the country followed up by our first winter storm.  Ophelia and Brian nearly up-scuppered the lot.
Damien McLellan, myself and Tomás Sullivan, who both were crucial in the project
Photo via Eoin Nevins

At this point I imagine the ex hurricane Ophelia is known worldwide. The run up was alarming with weather warnings, ships and fishing boats running for cover and a national emergency being declared.  Monday 16th October started bright and fine, and initially the hopes was that the storm would skirt the west coast and leave us alone, if with a lot of egg on face. But alas by 11am we were feeling its first effects here, which was about low water in the harbour…always a change with the tides!  We were delighted when Joel, our son, returned from fishing just about the same time. They had gone to Woodstown to try protect the Oyster crop, but the wind had prevented the tide from dropping to its normal level…another bad sign.

My new Book “Before the Tide Went Out” 
International orders can be made here.
Find out where you can buy off the shelf or order from Ireland here
By 12 noon the trees were bending over dramatically and the river was as wild and frenzied as I can ever recall…and then it just got worse. Yet we escaped the worst of the damage as roofs blew off, tress came down and electricity and telephones went dead.  The government were vindicated in their advice of shutting all schools, restricting transport and advising workplaces to close early…that of course also included my printer, Lettertec in Cork.
On the Tuesday, the clean up started and the extent of the damage was realised. Schools remained closed and many businesses were unable to re-open, being cut off by trees or starved of the essentials such as water or power to run, Lettertec being one of them!  We received an email from my namesake Andrew Haworth telling us he would be in contact as soon as he knew anything.
By Wednesday we were panicking.  Cheking the ESB faults map gave no reassurance.  It estimated it could be Saturday 21st before the power was restored to the printers.  Family friends in the Cork area were without power too…life was tough. We tried ringing but to no avail, a follow up email went unanswered.  Should we cancel?  Two days to go, how long does it take to print 500 books?  How likely is it that the power will be restored.  Wednesday night an email arrived at 8pm.  Power was restored at the factory, a personal guarantee that the books would be done and ready for collection on the following afternoon, Thursday 19th.
My daughter#1 holding the first copy

The trip to Lettertec was a trial with driving rain and flooded roads.  But the feeling of holding your first book was some thrill.  Of course the problem then was trying to ensure you sold them, or at least enough to cover the costs and pay back the credit union loan.  The launch was the essential part we were told, and at least now we could look forward.

Liam Hartley at Jack Meades had offered the use of the pub free of charge as a way of saying thanks for the many blogs I had written previously highlighting the heritage value of the place. Dylan Bible and Amanda Farady had offered their services freely too. So we had a venue and entertainment. Damien Tiernan of RTE had agreed to make the keynote, a man who knows a lot about the water and the communities that depend on it.  We had our posters out, it was covered in that weeks Munster Express thanks to journalist Kieran Foley and Fintan Walsh. Jean and Paul at Waterford in your Pocket added it to the weekends event guide. And the reaction of facebook and twitter was amazing.  It seemed nothing could stop us now.

Buy the book online if you live outside of Ireland.

Irish orders or clarifications via

The Book is now available to buy off the shelf in the following shops

Ardkeen Quality Food Store Waterford

Book Centre – Waterford

Book Centre – Wexford

Irish National Heritage Park, Ferrycarraig, Co Wexford

Nolans Bookshop, New Ross, Co Wexford

Powers shop Cheekpoint

Readers Choice, Dungarvan

                                              More outlets coming soon

But the forecast on Thursday evening has a weather warning, storm Brian.  Friday 20th was a busy day, I was up at 5am as there was a blog to get out and then of course the last minute jobs.  By 3pm I was starting to flag, unfortunately the storm was doing the opposite.  Outside the wind started to howl and the rain started to come down hard.  And then the messages started to arrive, messages of apology! The weather was too bad to travel. People were really disappointed, and it was totally understandable if not the safe thing to do.  I even wondered was it fair to go ahead. By 6pm my mood and energy was on the floor, but Deena dragged me out the door.  “The show”, she said, “must go on”.

At about 7pm what felt like the final nail in my coffin, was a text from Damien Tiernan. A flood was expected in Clonmel and Damien was going live to report for the 9 o’Clock RTE News.  He had to cancel, sorry about that etc. He had warned me it was possible before he ever took it on.  Deep down I was gutted, but I had to be fair, he has a job to do.  So I dug deep and sent him an understanding text.  Seconds later he replied with a “got ya!”  I could have killed him, but was too relieved.
Me with Michael Farrell Barony of Gaultier Historical Society wishing me well

And then the door started to open and people flooded in.  So many I became over-whelmed…not then, but now as I am writing this.  People I knew all my life, people like my neighbour Bridgid Power, 92 our eldest resident in the village now. My old schoolmates from Faithlegg Brendan Foley and Michael Duffin, William and Ger Doherty.  People like Michael Farrell of the Barony of Gaultier Historical Society who would walk through a block wall for you.  And people who I don’t even know except from the blog, people such as John Myler who came along with his family and who up to then I only knew through the social media world.  To be honest the time was brief with little opportunity to properly speak with people and soon it was time for our very capable, and village elder in his own right to call the evening to order, Tommy Sullivan.  

Tommy Sullivan MC on the night
A very dapper Damien Tiernan entertains the crowd

Damien brought the house down with his talk.  It was everything I had imagined it would be.  He spoke of our traditions, the characters, the nicknames, the inter-village rivalry and the desolation that not being able to fish creates.  But he also spoke of the importance of working together, of digging deep, and of trying to rise above the naysayers, individuals who go out of their way to undermine and destroy those who try their best to achieve something positive.

my God Mother, Elsie, my cousin Michael ‘Spud’ Murphy and my Mother Mary

Ray McGrath stood in for Noel McDonagh and spoke on behalf of the SE FLAG who had agreed to provide a percentage of funds towards the printing costs, and my dear friend Damien McLellan said a few words on the editing process, underlining the fact that we all need support in realising our dreams.

Deena and daughter #2 doing the hard work behind the scenes
I’m not sure if Ophelia or Brian were sent to test my resolve or just to underline the struggles I had to overcome in being a young fisherman.  Nature is something I admire, respect and am humbled by.  But fishermen can’t allow weather to dictate their lives.  Except maybe a hurricane!
I publish a blog each Friday.  If you like this piece or have an interest in the local history or maritime heritage of Waterford harbour and environs you can email me at to receive the blog every week.
My Facebook and Twitter pages are more contemporary and reflect not just heritage 
and history but the daily happenings in our beautiful harbour:  
F  T

The twice sunk schooner Cintra

Those who have looked on the photos depicting the bustling trade on Waterford and New Ross quays in the 19th Century must wonder at the safety aspect of so many ships in close proximity.  Indeed the risks associated with this golden age of sea travel have made for many epic stories of heroism and tragedy.  A story that perhaps is not so dramatic, but none the less indicative, if not more common, is that of the Clyde Shipping’s SS Pladda and the schooner Cintra.  The Cintra however sank not just once, but twice in the Waterford harbour area.
SS Pladda Image courtesy of Andy Kelly
According to the then Cork Examiner(1) Arklow owned Cintra* was en route to New Ross on Friday 4th October 1901 with a cargo of coal from Cardiff. Her master that evening was Captain John D Kearons, and she was piloted by a Dunmore East man Philip Boucher (or Bouchier) It was 8pm on a foggy night** and under darkness she was heading towards the river Barrow.  The Railway bridge had yet to start construction, which would eventually give us a century of incidents, so one must think the pilot had little to concern him at that point apart from the fishing weirs.
Heading into Waterford at the same time was the SS Pladda en route from Glasgow on her normal weekly run under Captain McLeod. She was a ship of the Clyde Shipping company. Passing Cheekpoint there was an almighty crash and measures were taken to reduce way and come about, the engines were reversed and the ships boat was dropped.

new Book “Before the Tide Went Out” launches tonight Friday 20th Oct
Meades bar & restaurant at 7.30pm.
orders can be made here.
orders via email to
Currently sold out
The schooner had been struck broadside (abaft of the main hold) and she healed over but righted again. Sinking fast the Captain ordered all hands to abandon ship and the four crew and the pilot took to the tender and made it safely away, but with no personal possessions. The Cintra was sunk in minutes and the crew headed under oar power towards the shore.
Schooner B I, to give a sense of the Cintra
Photo from William Doherty courtesy of Pat O’Gorman
Meanwhile the rescue crew from the Pladda arrived and seeing that that the Cintra crew were safe, hung a light from the mast of the schooner which was still to be seen over the surface.  Returning to their ship, they resumed the journey to the city.  No casualties were reported from either ship.  The Pladda would continue with the company until 1907 when she was resold and eventually she too got  a watery grave in 1942.
At a meeting of the Harbour Commissioners Quay Committee of the 9th October(2) the wreck was discussed as a hazard to navigation. Lying in seven fathom of water near the channel it was considered imperative to have it moved. However the owners of the Cintra, seven brothers and sisters from an Arklow family (presumably all the Kearon family had shares in the craft, and have a proud nautical tradition from information kindly sent by Arklow Maritime Museum) had written to say they could not afford to have the wreck removed and asked that the commissioners salvage what they could and that the owners get whatever was left over after costs were covered.
A further news report 3) stated that Messers Eason of Queenstown (Cobh) had quoted a fee of £340 to lift the wreck or £120 to blow her up leaving nothing 8ft above the river bed.  Both prices were agreed to be far in excess of what the Commissioners were willing to pay. The Harbour Master, Captain Parle, thought that explosives was the most cost effective manner of disposal and that his own staff could successfully carry this out.  It was decided that work would commence immediately.
Cheekpoint, where the incident occured, note no Barrow Bridge spanning the Barrow
Photo from NLI AH Poole Collection circa 1899

Presumably the work was a success as the the final mention of the incident, perhaps not surprisingly was court! The Board of Trade inquiry found both ships at fault in the case, and further civil actions followed including one on behalf of Philip Boucher, the pilot, who it would appear was badly hurt in jumping aboard the the schooners tender.

The strangest part to the whole story of course is that this was the second time the Cintra had sunk in the harbour!  In 1899 (Thursday morning 16th November to be exact) the schooner departed New Ross without a pilot under Captain Fitzpatrick. She was carrying 1000 barrels of Oats for a Mr Reville of the town.  At the Lucy Rock, about five miles from the port she grounded and keeled over on the ebbing tide.  The flood tide later that day totally sank her.  No mention is made of salvage, but she obviously lived to fight another day.  The age of sail was coming to a close, but it would be several decades yet before their beauty was lost to the harbour.
My Facebook and Twitter pages are more contemporary and reflect not just heritage
and history but the daily happenings in our beautiful harbour:
F  T

Thanks to both James Doherty and Arklow Maritime Museum for extra information

Dear reader, if you have any further information, particularly a photo or image of the Cintra that I could include I would love to hear it via comments or by email to


Arklow owners
1851 by Gowan, Berwick
Lost at Cheek Point, Waterford estuary, 4 October 1901 en route
Swansea-New Ross.
George Kearon
Richard Kearon
78’ x 19.2’ x 10’
62 tons
Produced with thanks from Arklow Maritime Museum

**in two other newspaper accounts the weather is described as crisp and clear with stars shining in the sky, and a blustery dark night!

***sourced from two accounts, Wicklow People 18/11/1899 & Wicklow Newsletter and County Advertiser 25/11/1899

(1) Irish Examiner 7/10/1901 P.5
(2) Munster Express 26/10/1901 P.7
(3) Waterford Standard 13/11/1901 P3.