Beyond the Breakwater

Catherine Foley is a proud Waterford woman who grew up initially in the city before moving to An Rinn in the Waterford Gaeltacht. Deena and I had known of her before, through her contributions to RTE Radio 1’s Sunday Miscellany.  However it was her cousin, and a...

Barrow bridge toll

This week sees a significant local anniversary, for on the 21st July 1906 the first official train crossed the Barrow railway bridge.  The infrastructure was the last significant piece of railway network constructed nationally and it linked the west of Ireland with...

Paddle Steamer excursion

The Waterford Steamship Navigation Company river service commenced in 1837.  It ran daily return trips between New Ross-Waterford and Duncannon-Waterford, Monday to Saturday. In the Summer season Sunday trips were also offered. During the week the ships departed the...