Booze Blaa’s n Banter 2020

The highly popular early morning Booze, Blaa’s ‘n’ Banter annual hootananny extravaganza held in Jordan’s American Bar, on Waterford’s Quay’s goes online this year due to the Covid19 pestilence. It’s organised by the Waterford Council of Trade Unions in association with the Imagine Arts Festival and is a homage to the madness and mayhem of the city’s early house dockers taverns of yore. The event involves short labour, maritime and social history talks, intermingled with music, poetry and merry making, where complimentary Waterford blaa’s, supplied by local bakers, along with filings from local butchers and fish mongers are served throughout. And hosted in the friendliest bar in town by Andy, Kathy and Anna Jordan.

This was my second time appearing on the programme, and this year I went for a story about the Schooner BI

Also on this year’s bill, my good pals David Carroll and Brendan Dunne who spoke on the development of the new book which will be published in November on the history of Dunmore East Lifeboat. Dauntless Courage. You can pre-order here

You can check out the full show here

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