Remembering the Formby and Coningbeg

by Dec 15, 2018Shipwrecks, Waterford Seafarers, Waterford Ships17 comments

Within two days in December 1917, Waterford experienced its worst maritime disaster with the sinking of Clyde Shipping’s SS Formby and SS Coningbeg. Of the 83 souls who perished 67 were from Waterford, the harbour, and hinterland including Faithlegg and Cheekpoint, and the effects were profound.  Because it was wartime, very little was written due to censorship, and many misunderstood the reasons behind it.  But in 1992 a Wexford man, Richard McElwee, committed pen to paper and finally told the full story of the loss.

The SS Formby was built by Caledon SB. & Eng. Co. Ltd., Dundee in 1914 and was considered the flagship of the Clyde shipping company. She was 270 feet long, 1283 tons and had a top speed of 14.5 knots. Although primarily a cattle transport vessel she could accommodate 39 first class and 45 steerage passengers.

SS Formby
SS Formby With thanks to Shaun McGuire who had it from a daughter of Thomas Coffey

The SS Coningbeg was originally SS Clodagh built for the Waterford Steamship company by Ailsa shipbuilders in Troon, Scotland, August 1903. When the company was sold to Clyde Shipping in 1912 she was renamed. In 1913 she underwent a total refit. She was also 270 feet long, 1278 tons, and capable of a top speed of 16.5 knots. She could carry between 5-600 head of cattle and 86 first-class and 74 steerage passengers. 

The ships ran a twice-weekly service carrying passengers, livestock, foodstuff, and general cargo from Waterford and returning with passengers and general cargo from Liverpool. The trip was 16hrs one way and both ships had a reputation for strict timekeeping.  

As WWI raged the ships and crews were constantly in danger.  Not alone did they assist the war effort, but they kept both sides of the Irish sea fed.  More importantly for themselves, no doubt, the crews provided food and an income for their own families.

Both ships had had skirmishes with U Boats and one example I found from the Munster Express of Feb 1915 concerned the Irish sea being temporarily closed to shipping due to a U Boat threat. The Coningbeg was confined to Waterford port which caused mayhem as her cargo of cattle had to be unshipped and accommodated elsewhere. Meanwhile, the families of the Formby gathered under an increasing cloud, fearful as there were unfounded rumours that she was sunk.  Later that month, the Kerry News ran a story that the Coningbeg failed to put to sea, due to a dispute between the crew and the owners over a war bonus for the risks they were taking.

SS Coningbeg
SS Coningbeg ex Clodagh

At 11 am on Saturday 15th December the SS Formby slipped her moorings and traveled out the Mersey and into the Irish sea. Aboard were 37 crew and 2 passengers.  She was due into Waterford the following morning, but when she did not arrive there was only a minor concern.  As Saturday had progressed a storm of sleet and snow had developed and had become a gale overnight, causing widespread damage.  In Waterford, it was presumed the Formby was sheltering and would be into port later on Sunday. She never arrived.  As the fears grew it was decided to send word to Liverpool to halt the sailing on the Coningbeg.  No telegrams could be sent, however, as all the lines were down following the storm.

Having sat out the storm in Liverpool, the Coningbeg set sail for Waterford on Monday 17th December at 1 pm.  Oblivious to the concerns in Waterford she departed with a crew of 40 and 4 passengers. When she failed to arrive pandemonium ensued.  Family, relatives, neighbours, and friends gathered at the Clyde company offices for any scrap of news.  Over Christmas, the vigil continued but on Thursday 27th December the company felt obliged to write to each family confirming everyone’s worst fears, that they could no longer hold any hopes for their loved one’s return.

Of the ships, no trace was reported.  Locally it was considered to be too much of a coincidence that two fine ships would both disappear within two days of each other, except through hostile involvement. A special appeal fund was created to fundraise and provide for the seamen’s families until such time as they could qualify for the Board of Trade War Loss Pension (1920 in some cases). The appeal fund was still in use in 1927.

In time the body of the Formby stewardess Annie O’Callaghan would wash ashore in Wales, the only body to be recovered apparently (or at least positively identified).  The remains of two lifeboats and a nameplate of the Formby also.  But it would be the publication of Ernest Hashagens war diary which would finally confirm the fate of both ships, blasted from the Irish sea without any warning, or chance to get to their lifeboats, by the U Boat U-62.  

The old Clyde Shipping Co Offices
The old Clyde Shipping Co Offices, Waterford Quay where families waited over Christmas 1917 for news

There is now a significant memorial, situated on the quay of Waterford which lists all the names (as does the link here written by a fellow Cheekpoint man) and was unveiled by the then president of Ireland Mary Robinson in February 1997. They are also remembered on the Tower Hill Memorial in London to merchant seamen, the Dunmore East memorial wall to Waterford seafarers, and the more recent memorial wall in Dungarvan to those who died in WW I.

If you would like to hear the story here’s a fine audio piece from the BBC on the sinkings and aftermath narrated by Julian Walton

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  1. Mary Sweeney

    Absolutely fascinated by this story, my mother left Ramsgrange area in 1914 as a 16 year old to work in Liverpool, she continued to work there untill 1940 when her family anxious for her not to be in Liverpool through a second world war made a match for her….as it happened a bad one….they never had a family of their own, but she at 60 took on to raise his illegitimate daughter by her niece…..that child was me!
    She always went back and forward got holidays by boat from Liverpool to Waterford and for many years had her return ticket.

    • andrew

      Both my grandfather and father sailed from Liverpool Mary, as did many of my uncles. Several Cheekpoint people men and women settled down there. It was badly damaged in WWII

  2. Shaun McGuire

    My father’s cousin Mary McGuire married Thomas Coffey in 1915. She had four children by Thomas, twins that died at birth or just after and a son born in 1917 and daughter born in 1918 after the loss of her husband on the Formby. Although I never met Thomas Coffey’s son also called Thomas as he died in 1990 in the UK and before I found many of my Waterford relatives. Mary, or as she was known May Walsh (nee Coffey) I met many times and I tried to claim her father’s medals for her without any success, I did print off the CWGC commemoration to her father and framed it for her. When I was next over I gave her the frame with her father’s commemoration and she was over the moon and it was given pride of place in her home. It stayed in that place until she died in 2005 and I understand that it was put in the coffin with her. This a long winded process for me just to say, it was May that allowed me to copy the photo of the Formby.

    • andrew

      Thanks for that clarification Shaun and your permission to use the image. It’s much appreciated.

  3. Shaun McGuire

    Glad to be of help Andrew.

  4. Val Atkins

    Sadly my two great gran uncles, John and Michael McCarthy, were lost on the Conningbeg. I would like to track down down direct descendants of either man. From my research I think John’s descendants may have lived on Morrison’s Road. My great grandmother was Bridget McCarthy, who was John and Michael’s sister. I would be very grateful for any assistance.

    • andrew

      Hopefully some may still be around Val, and possibly see your query

    • Paul O’Farrell

      Hi Val, just stumbled across your comment. My great grandmother Ellen McGrath’s second husband was Michael McCarthy who was lost on the Coningbeg. I know very little about Michael unfortunately and I did not realize he had a brother who also died in the tragedy.
      This is the family in the 1911 census, my grandmother was Annie McDonald.

      Regards, Paul O’Farrell

      • andrew

        Hi Paul, I will send this on to Vals email in case it is not picked up. Andrew

    • Orla Riordan

      Hello Val,
      I know this might be left of field but I was wondering if you might get in contact with me regading a TV documentary about the tragedy. My contact email address is [email protected]. I am a radio and TV producer in Ireland and we are hoping to get this story out there. I am happy to chat to you and go through my credintials with you. Many thanks, Orla Riordan.

  5. Patrick Loughlin

    My Grand Father Patrick Loughlin was a fire man on board the Clodagh in 1906 before she was renamed the Conningbeg . The last record of him is in February 1908, when he was working in Glasgow. He was born in Waterford in 1883.

    • andrew

      Was he still employed by the Clyde at that stage I wonder Patrick, possibly with a shore job?

  6. Seán Ó Briain

    I’m just getting around to this now – two relatives were aboard the Coningbeg – Patrick and Walter Cullen. Good read as always Andrew. I’ve drove past that memorial probably 1000 times and never realised.

    • andrew

      Thats interesting to hear Seán – so many lives affected in the area

  7. Orla Riordan

    Hi Andrew,
    My name is Orla Riordan and I am hoping to get in touch with you about the story of the SS Fornby and SS Coningbeg for a TV documentary that we are hoping to make for TG4. I wonder if you could drop me a line at my email address [email protected] or my mobile 0876963077 and I would be delighted to go through it with you. Thank you.
    Orla Riordan

  8. Patrick

    My great grandad John Walsh was a fireman on the Formby, my father has recalled how devastated the town and families were and the hardship that followed, we donated a certificate we had from the crown to the museum in Waterford. It is my understanding no warning was given as the Uboat commander classified them as Navy and not merchant ships due to the fact that machine guns had recently been installed on both ships.

    • andrew

      Hi Patrick, it was a very savage time, the era of the unrestircted u boat campaign where faced with loosing the war, they started to sink almost anything afloat. There were gunners aboard both vessels but the U boat would have been cautios about being rammed too.



  1. Rockabill & Tuskar; The last of the Clyde - Waterford Harbour Tides & Tales - […] the years there have been many notable ships, none more so than the Coningbeg and Formby.  But two that…

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