Some responses to the key areas for the community plan
Rather than design a survey, I have used the mind mapping
format to generate ideas for myself. I
am listing them here, and also some further notes on the survey idea. Ray will also send on a sustainability
template from previous word re Ireland-Newfoundland exchanges.
format to generate ideas for myself. I
am listing them here, and also some further notes on the survey idea. Ray will also send on a sustainability
template from previous word re Ireland-Newfoundland exchanges.
Need to revisit older community consultation processes –
Weisbord etc
As I responded to prompts found that some flowed more easily into catagories so will need to change original key area. Also whn looking at the responses found that some could more easily fit under the headings below.
People – retirement home, early years setting, community
café/meeting place, quality space to live in, socialise in, work in
café/meeting place, quality space to live in, socialise in, work in
Safety and security issues for locals
Health – prevention, access, complimentary, good food, healthy buildings, access to exercise etc
Environment – this is our future we need to protect it. Habitats; strand, fields, woods, minaun, hedgerows,
river, park, trees
river, park, trees
Walks; marsh, minaun, woods, hurthill, church, glazing
woods, faithlegg
woods, faithlegg
Transport; roads,
place of cars, cycle, walking, footpaths, access to city, river
place of cars, cycle, walking, footpaths, access to city, river
Energy – wind, river, bulk buying, future proofing,
community ownership
community ownership
Housing; social, second home/holiday home issue, living
quality, energy efficiency, Radon, elderly, vacancy,
quality, energy efficiency, Radon, elderly, vacancy,
Heritage – Minaun, Farming, Fishing, Sea faring, river map,
Bolton, schooling, Churchs, Ita’s well, Field /place names, (see also fishery
Bolton, schooling, Churchs, Ita’s well, Field /place names, (see also fishery
Employment; dormant village – services thereof, social
services elder care etc, resturants, pubs, cafes, shop, post office, heritage,
fishing, farming, tourism, crafts, micro enterprises, working from home,
broadband issues, walks, fishery skills
services elder care etc, resturants, pubs, cafes, shop, post office, heritage,
fishing, farming, tourism, crafts, micro enterprises, working from home,
broadband issues, walks, fishery skills
Fishery; sustainability, value add, respect, trips, angling, tourism, eels, salmon, sheelfish, cod, herring, shellfish
Need for a catch all – people may not know where to put an
idea, what goes under specific category etc
idea, what goes under specific category etc
Need for a pilot re its applicability