After a busy month of activities, I was relieved when Damien McLellan offered a guest blog arising from last week’s two-day event exploring the arrival of Henry II at Passage East in 1171 – 850 years ago this year. Damien, like so many others who attended,...
Breda Murphy. Due to Covid 19 I’ve had a couple of new experiences recently, firstly I haven’t used an alarm clock since the middle of March! I thought I would have to wait until I retired to enjoy that treat, but not so, due to working from home. Secondly, for...
Author: Fintan Walsh Passage East in the era described On the banks of the Suir that flows out to the seaLies a quaint little village that’s like heaven to meSteeped in our history and also Ireland’s folkloreIt is called Passage East and it’s a place I adore In these...
Today is the last Friday of the month and so it’s guest blog day. I always love to share others thoughts and as the summer holidays officially start in our local national school, this reflection on school holidays from the 1960’s is a real counterpoint to...
This coming week will see another significant historic anniversary. For on the 16th of October 1171 Henry II launched his fleet which beached on the 17th at Crooke in Waterford Haven as the harbour was then known. As he stepped ashore he became the first foreign king...
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