Ivan Fitzgerald’s Tramore of Yore Blog

Congratulations to Ivan Fitzgerald for his new blog on the history of Tramore entitled Tramore of Yore. Ivan has long been a person I have followed and had several interactions with. There will be much maritime and general Waterford interest in his posts. Here’s...
Egeria – A True Story of Shipwreck

Egeria – A True Story of Shipwreck

By Dorothy McMahan With excerpts from On Shipboard by Anne Starrett Craig Information gathered by Dorothy McMahan and Chuck McMahan Olivia Murray, a page regular with a family connection to the Waterford coast, brought this guest blog to my attention. The story is one...

Tragic end to the PS City of Bristol

The City of Bristol departed the quay of Waterford in November 1840 for her home port of Bristol in a gale of wind. Anxious to keep to schedule the vessel would sail into one of the worst storms that season. She would later run aground, break up and all but two of the...